

Margarita - Celery


  • 1.5 oz Mezcal
  • 1 oz Lime Juice
  • .75 oz Simple Syrup
  • 4 dash Celery Bitters


  • Combine into shaker
  • Shake for 30 sec
  • Strain into glass filled with ice, lime wheel garnish

The Apium, also known as the Opium, is a mezcal-based drink from the book "Mezcal" by Emma Janzen. It features a unique and flavorful twist on the classic margarita, showcasing the natural flavors of mezcal. The drink has a smoky and salty aroma, with a hint of celery bitters, and has a limey flavor that finishes with salt, smoke, and mezcal. It's perfect for a sophisticated and unique alternative to the margarita, whether you're enjoying it in the sun or cozied up at home. The recipe calls for celery salt but can be substituted with basic sea salt, which is not rimmed around the glass for ease of preparation. For the mezcal, it is recommended to use Mezcal Vago espadin for its brine and saltwater notes, but any espadin mezcal will work. On the other hand, it is best to avoid floral mezcal as it does not pair well with celery bitters. For the bitters, Fee Brothers, Scrappy's, and Bitter Truth all make great versions, with Fee Brothers being the most affordable. However, the quality may vary based on the cost.